
Pride Action North provides a range of support and advocacy services to ensure members of LGBTQIA+ communities feel safe, accepted and in all aspects of society. Our team works in collaboration with some excellent partners to provide the best level of support available.

What we do

We provide support services to youths and adults ranging from one-to-one support to group sessions, mental health and wellbeing support, hate crime support and domestic and sexual violence and abuse support; hate crime support.

A number of training and development programmes we run include inclusivity workshops, protected characteristics workshops, information and advice advocacy and awareness raising.

What makes Pride Action North unique is that 70 per cent of our staff identify as belonging in the LGBTQIA+ community and those that don’t are firm allies, with vast experience of supporting and working with individuals who are part of our community. This means we can fully understand issues from a personal perspective and we are up-to-date with the latest legislation and information relating to the community.

How we can help you

Youth support

We offer a range of services including one-to-one support, counselling, youth groups, mental health and wellbeing support, domestic and sexual violence and abuse support, hate crime support, and schools work. Our aim is to provide high-quality, professional support to those in need, with a focus on promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.

Training & Development

We provide a range of services to promote inclusivity and diversity within the workplace. Our service offerings include inclusivity workshops, protected characteristics workshops, information and advice, advocacy, as well as awareness-raising programs. Our commitment to promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace environment is unparalleled, and we are always seeking to improve our services to better serve our clients. 

Adult support

If an individual or someone they know is in need of emotional or mental health support, they have various options to consider. One-on-one counseling or group therapy sessions for adults are just a few examples of resources that are available. In addition, tailored support services are available for individuals who have experienced domestic or sexual violence and abuse, or who have been victims of hate crimes. These resources can assist individuals in dealing with trauma, managing the after-effects, and progressing towards healing.