Documents Hub

Find Pride Action North policies, reports, and transparency information right here.

How we can help you

You can access the most up-to-date Safeguarding Policy (Children and Adults at Risk) for Pride Action North here.

The organisation’s finances are reported on an annual basis by 31st January to Companies House and 28th February to the Charity Commission for England and Wales. You can find the most up-to-date accounts below, previous years are publicly available online at the regulators above.

Year Ending 30 April 2023

As a Company Limited by Guarantee without Shared Capital, and a Registered Charity in England and Wales the organisation’s governing document are called Articles of Association. These are updated from time to time, and you can find historical information, which is publicly available at Companies House.

Northumberland Pride Limited – Articles of Association

Time to time we will respond to consultations, where appropriate we will share our responses here.

You can access the most up-to-date Complaint’s Policy for Pride Action North here.